Forgive me for blowing up your inboxes again.
Writing is my therapy at the moment, I guess.
It feels helps to put something out there that may help when someone else's heart may hurt.
Yesterday there were many who lost someone special.
Yesterday a beloved friend let go of this realm to fly freely in Spirit.
I know where she is now. She is not in some place in the sky. Heaven is not some place “up there”.
When the body can no longer be here, we still do exist. We have a Soul, a Spirit, an Energy that operated the vehicle we inhabited. That energy never goes away or goes to one specific location when the vehicle is no more.
I was taught when I was little that when we die, we go to a place called “heaven”. And the way they taught it, it made it seem like it was somewhere else, very far away. That made me very sad as a kid when I had lost a few friends. But that isn’t the truth.
Heaven, as we have called it, is really only a frequency, an energy, a dimension of time and space that exists everywhere. Meaning, when the body dies, we remain here, and everywhere, all at the same time. Heaven is in front of us, behind us, below us and above us. Heaven is within us. Heaven is in the hearts of others. Heaven is felt on the skin when the sun shines. Heaven speaks many languages... rustling leaves, bird calls, laughter, tears.
When we leave the vehicle behind, we become pure, clear and connected fully. The only thing a fully transitioned soul feels is peace and Love. Anything else is human, and therefore, it falls away when the human vehicle does. Any pain, disease or disorder the human vehicle experienced also ceases to exist.
Our loved ones are with us at all times. ALL THE TIME. Often, we fail to notice because this world is loud and full of distractions and limited human tendencies. But I assure you, our loved ones are everywhere all at once, because we are pure light in essence, and light is not limited.
When the vehicle passes, we actually free ourselves of limitation. Limitations of beliefs, emotions, you name it. We are fully free and we do not fear it either.
Heaven is felt within you, in the stillness of the heart.
Your loved one is felt in the stillness of the heart.
Truth is felt in the stillness of the heart.
In the stillness of the heart, you find life comes to you, exists around you, and Love resides within you.
Stand still for a moment. Just stand there and notice life is moving around you, coming toward you and away from you… but nonetheless, life is energy in motion. Life is motivated by energy. Energy is everywhere.
To my friend,
Candace, you were very loved by so many, and I know that you feel the fullness of this.
Today I wear the bracelet you made for me (and I wear the one you made for my husband too) so I can hold you a little closer to my heart.
Thank you for teaching me how to reupholster chairs (if you’ve seen the cow print ones at my old office, she helped me do that) and to weave beads, which I never could really figure out.
Thank you for the memories we shared.
And for all the photos, the funny stories and laughs.
May you surround yourself with all the Larimar stones you can find.
May you always be by the Hawaiian ocean that you loved so much.
But please, don’t show up at my bedside again giving me orders (even though you know I’ll do it).
I love you my dear friend.
With Love,
Rebecca Costello, Psychic Medium
Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing
Dearest Becky,
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend. May the memories of your time together bring you peace as you adjust to the absence of her light.