When I sat down to channel the message Spirit wanted me to share for the new year, I realized that we are about to undergo a metamorphosis of sorts. The undercurrent of these energies is incredibly powerful.
(this post is long to try and incorporate all the info... please bite it off in bits and pieces)
2025 Themes:
Value, relationships, and actualization of the authentic self are the main themes this year.
Becoming the Elder/Wise One:
When I asked Spirit what they wanted me to talk about, the “future” came up. It was more so pertaining to our legacy we create for future generations. It was about understanding wisdom from our elders… both in what worked, and what has not. We need to be aware of what we are teaching (not just in word, but in example) the following generations.
In 2025, relationships of all kinds will be under the microscope… our relationships with ourselves, our coworkers, family, etc…. all of it will be picked apart. Fake love (fake anything for that matter) will no longer be tolerated. Relationships that are aligned will deepen and strengthen. Anything not aligned will be charred and left to waste.
This year we will be learning what has real value for our growth and leaving behind what is empty. We will come to understand that legacies that are long lasting are built on love, kindness and compassion. But the center of any legacy is you. The change must start with each one of us so we are genetically changed, thereby, changing the encodement for our future generations. Or DNA carries more info than you know, and the healing work we do for ourselves changes everything connected to us.
But in 2025, we begin the foundational work for the most powerful legacy we can leave behind for our future generations... how to be truly authentic.
Not to hide from the world and how to face fear instead of run from it. To be truly ourselves instead of “people pleasing human doers”. Teach them to honor who they are AND honor others for who they are. To understand we are not for everybody, and to be ok with that. You cannot find your tribe if you are not truly putting yourself out there.
Give them a legacy of coping skills when life gets tough and yet to still show kindness to others, without letting our boundaries get trampled. How many of you know how to do that currently?
We, as a whole, have our work cut out for us. If you read my last post, you will notice I talk about the energy of the dragon. Dragon is here to ensure we pull our heads out of our asses or get devoured for lunch. This legacy for our future ones must start within each and every one of us.
2025 and the Power or Transformation:
2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. Snake is a deeply transformative energy. The wood aspect is a reflection of swift growth. 2025 we will be shedding skins all over the place. Grow baby grow!
2025 is also a 9 year. A time to complete things and clear out the garbage. I tend to think of this as a “death” of the old. Who we are will transform. Jobs will transform. Relationships will transform.
We will find ourselves reflecting upon the past to see what isn’t serving us anymore and the dragon brings plenty of opportunity to see it. 2025 will reveal to you your deepest, most authentic truth… however, it may be found hiding in the fields of fear if you are resistant to change, feeling emotions or looking in the mirror.
The Key to Healing is the Child Archetype:
An important aspect to our healing this year will be to find that playful child within. The one who is curious and fearless and likes to bend the stupid “rules” placed upon them. Seriousness is overrated. Children do not fear anything until they are taught fear. Children often live life from an inspired place. Sadly, for many of us, an attitude adjustment may be needed.
Think of what life would be like if you could live like that child again. Every one of us will need to seek this within. The muse of the child is to shake up everything and everyone around it. It will not sit in that corner any longer. It certainly isn’t gonna be silent!
Explore places you’ve never been.
Do things you have never done.
Be daring and curious.
The Shadow We All Must Face:
For many, we are unfamiliar with how to navigate and live life this way. Our past issues/lessons may pop up in our faces, so we have a choice to address things differently. I warn you… be authentic! Because if you aren’t, you will keep facing the issue again and again. But also know that the dragon does not tolerate disrespect, so you better have your poop in a group when it comes to communication. Taking shit out on others will not fly anymore. Neither will censorship. The dragon demands you to be real.
Another thing to understand is that these times can make it easy to feel lost. This is new terrain, and many do not have a map. Find someone who has been down this road already (a mentor, life coach, therapist) to help you navigate and educate you on the pitfalls ahead of time. To be well informed is to be forewarned.
This post is meant to inspire and get you excited for change.
This year we will step towards becoming fearless and unabashedly real.
Change often brings with it a bit of chaos cuz we humans tend to be cling-ons, and letting go is perceived as weakness.
We are on a journey towards Heaven on Earth… how many suitcases do you really want to bring along?
To new beginnings everyone!
God Bless and Happy New Year!
Becky Costello, Psychic Medium
Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing