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Let Them

Writer's picture:  Becky Costello Becky Costello

I read these words one day, and it jolted my psyche…

“When I no longer want to be heard by you, that is when you will want to listen to what I have to say… it will be too late then”  -  Najwa Zebian


Oh, how those words touch my soul, as it seems to be my life’s story fighting to be heard. Then I stopped giving a shit and was surprised at what I found on the other side of it.


How many times have you fought to be heard?

To be understood?

How many times have you tried to express yourself only to have it twisted to fit someone else’s  narrative?

And then (often with a wounded heart), you finally give up and move on, and you realize there was peace in letting it go.


I would like to ask you to consider letting that go of that fight to be heard.

We as humans need to learn to validate our own feelings, while keeping an open ear to the thoughts and feelings of others. We need to listen when others speak.


And we also need to stop fighting to be heard.

Begging for others to see your side or to care enough to hear you only causes you to feel rejected.

You can’t convince anyone you aren’t the asshole in the story they tell.

Why do we feel we need others to validate that we are good enough? Worthy enough?



The hard truth:

The more you explain things to people who do not want to hear it, the more you are giving your power away.


We live in a world where there are too many stupid humans, and we hurt ourselves trying to be accepted by them. Why do we do this???


Let others believe what they will.

Let others blame you and talk shit behind your back.

Let them tell their own version of the story and make you out to be the monster.




How to begin:

Stop defending yourself when one doesn’t care enough to ask or care enough to listen. It will exhaust you and make you feel worthless (because of the need for approval).

Know your value and worth and recognize the voice of the bullshit in your head, cuz it honestly isn’t yours. Your true self will not talk shit to you. Your soul may say “hey.. what ya doing that for” or “why did you do that”? (these are questions that lead one to personal accountability).


Abandon the need to feel like you need to fight everything. There is so much of that in the world and the world is so damn loud that you can’t even hear your own voice anymore. Walk away and go into your heart and validate yourself. You will never convince anyone of anything.


To listen is the greatest gift we can ever give another human being.

Kindness is free.

If they can’t give you that, let them go.


Choose peace over the noise.

Set your heart free by not holding the need to be heard hostage.


With Love,

Becky Costello, Psychic Medium

Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing

Visit me on instagram!


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