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As I Say Goodbye, I Am Reminded... "How Did You Love"?

Writer:  Becky Costello Becky Costello

The last few days’ energy has come in swinging.

I have not felt this type of shift before.

And for myself and my little family, the punches are hitting hard.


Restless, I decided to take my nimrod for a walk in the darkness so no one could see me if I cried. It was eerily still, quiet. Yet, I hear lyrics ping ponging around in my head.

The lyrics repeated over and over ….

“You can be an angel of mercy or give into hate”…

“How do you justify, I’m mystified by the ways of your heart”…

“No one gets out alive, every day is do or die, the one thing you leave behind is how did you love”?

“How did you love”…..


I have spent the last few days doing ceremony for my father-in-law who is transitioning from this side to the other, and he picked a hell of a time to do it. It’s rare to leave here during an eclipsed full blood moon.


I have had it be where clients who have come to see me were upset because of the way another person grieved a common loved one. I do my best to help them understand where the person in question is coming from and why they may have chose to grieve a certain way.

My Husband is one of those people who needs to grieve differently. It's not always accepted by others when it doesn't look the way someone else wants it to.


My father-in-law was an inspiration to myself, my husband and my son. My husband watched his father heal emotionally after some painful years when he got back from Viet Nam. This man asked his family for forgiveness one year at Christmas in my home.

My son, so inspired by his grandfather, enlisted when he was only 17. It’s ironic my child is set to deploy the same time his grandfather is leaving this Earth plane.


A man, who even though he was losing his memory, remembered me and that I was on the radio and wanted to know when I would be on again. A man who I knew loved me. He defended me when he didn’t have to.


He was a giving man. He helped others who needed help and volunteered to help others less fortunate.

A man who taught my husband, son and I, what really matters, and what forgiveness looks like.


A man, over the years, who taught us how to love… and even as he transitions, he still does.

He told my husband how proud of him he is.

He told my son he will pass before he goes, so he can watch over him while he deployed.


Let people grieve how THEY need to… not how you want them too.

Ask them why instead of judging their choices.


The lyrics still bounce around in my head….

“…the one thing you leave behind is how did you love”?

“How did you love”…..

(from the song How Did You Love by Shinedown)


When we leave this world and meet our maker, none of the things we achieved or acquired will matter.

All that will matter to God is how well we loved others.


**I dedicate this post to my father-in-law for leading such a powerful life of healing and being such an example of love in our home…

Thank you for teaching us how to love like you do.



Becky Costello, Psychic Medium

Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing


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